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With the regulations around energy efficiency tightening, many Landlords are wondering how to improve an already existing EPC rating.
Over the past four months, the number of landlords selling up has increased by 13%. This is due to a number of reasons. Let's get into it.
May 2023 is rapidly approaching & there's a lot of talk about the Renters Reform Bill. But what is it?
Landlords are charged with a legal obligation to ensure that your property meets the standards of fitness and habitability. Furthermore, you…
Making Tax Digital has just been pushed back to 2026. We're here to explain what MTD 2026 means for Landlords and why it's being introduced.
We're proud to present our latest product update, which brings a plethora of new features & quality of life enhancements to the table!
When choosing a letting agent, consider reputation, experience, fees, and services offered. Our guide helps you make the right decision.
Landlords across the UK are deciding to invest in HMOs, but are HMOs good investments to begin with? Find out here.
You want to protect your rental property from theft, but how? Grab our free inventory template for Landlords & some handy tips!
Here are 10 home improvement tips that will make your house more attractive to buyers and renters.
Alphaletz is free for your first property or unit, giving you full access to all the app's features.
Book a free product demo to see how Alphaletz can help you save time when letting out multiple properties.